Leadership is a skill, merely being in a position of leadership does not make one a good leader. People are as good as their leadership. If your staff is not performing up to your expectation... then it's time you TAKE AIM
As President/CEO of Morningstar Records and Ultimate Image Inc. of Beverly Hills California (a division of toi Company) Mr. Bray brings over 30 years of experience as a world class sales leader specializing in human touch grass roots marketing, with an emphasis on inner personal relationship and communication skills. Not to mention, quite an impressive list of accolades and endorsements i.e. BMW, Nordstrom, The United States Marine Corps, Ford, Toyota, Honda, 24 Hour Fitness, Bank of America, RE/MAX, Prudential and the list goes on.
Remember... Marketshare is ROI... It doesn't mean share the market... TAKE AIM
Tactical Network Training teaches aggressive, enthusiastic prospect development with an emphasis in communication and relationship skills. The objective is to increase your sales performance and boost your self-confidence while obtaining higher CSI scores.
process known as TFS Tactical Field Skills is only one of the processes taught in TNT (Tactical Network training).
where the atmosphere is fun and friendly, leaving your audience with the desire to participate.
that are qualified, in a cost effective manner while yielding the highest ROI results.
To build and set your specific target goals,
please send me an email, text and/or you are welcome to call me personally.
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